​In the reinforcement post, we went through the basics of what a reinforcer is, some key concepts to remember and a quick way to remember how to apply it.

This post outlines two types of reinforcement and go over punishment too, after all punishment has it’s own role to play in the game of life.

2 Types of Reinforcement:Is it added or taken away?

Positive Reinforcement – adding something, which makes behavior more likely to happen in the future.

When I share my toys, mom and dad give me a high five.

Negative Reinforcement – take something away, which makes behavior more likely to happen in the future.

When I cry and drop to the ground, I no longer have to share my toys.

In both examples, the behavior was more likely to happen in the future and, the behavior which increased was directly connected to the consequence that came after it.In positive reinforcement- a high five was added. While in negative reinforcement- the expectation to share was taken away. The only difference was that in one example, a consequence was added, in the other, a consequence was taken away.

Punishment – anything that makes behavior less likely to happen in the future. Yes, anything.

Just like reinforcement, there are also two types of punishment. You guessed it… positive punishment and negative punishment. And Just like reinforcement, the difference is if something is added to decrease behavior in the future or if it is taken away to decrease behavior in the future.

To recap:

Shari Pirnia Adler, M.S, ED,BCBA,LBA – National Speech/Language Therapy Center